
Past, Present and Future of the Peatlands of the Central Congo Basin

Credit: Kevin McElvaney/Greenpeace 

About the Project

In 2017 our research team revealed that the world's largest tropical peatland is located in the geographical heart of Africa. Over 10,000 years peat has been building up. Today the central Congo peatlands store 30 billion tonnes of carbon, requiring careful protection.

CongoPeat brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading experts to study this newly discovered yet threatened ecosystem.

Credit: Kevin McElvaney/Greenpeace

As part of a Science Seminar organised by the University of Kinshasa’s Regional School of Water and @CrrebacUnikin, Dr Greta Dargie @SoGLeeds #CongoPeat will give a presentation entitled “Challenges and opportunities for research on the peatlands of the Congo Basin.”

L’Ecole Régionale de l’Eau et le @CrrebacUnikin vous invitent à une *Matinée Scientifique ce mercredi 04 septembre 2024 de 10h à 12h.
Thème : Défis et Opportunités de recherche dans le domaine des tourbières du Bassin du Congo
Oratrice : Dr DARGIE GRETA Christina

🗞️Un briefing de @CassieDummett, @joe_langley9, O Emba, E Bokungu et le consortium #CongoPeat apporte de nouveaux éclairages sur les utilisations humaines des tourbières de la RDC ainsi que les variations des communautés d’oiseaux dans ce paysage.


🗞️Briefing led by @CassieDummett, @joe_langley9, O Emba, E Bokungu & #CongoPeat consortium shares insights into how people use DRC’s peatland forest and how diversity and composition of bird species may vary across this landscape.

Read the brief ➡️

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