Metadata for the file: Crezee_2022_Smoothed_7x7_Classification_Most_likely_class.tif This file is a simplified version of the map presented in Figure 1b of the paper: Crezee et al. (2022). Nature Geoscience. Mapping peat thickness and carbon stocks of the central Congo Basin using field data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This raster file is a smoothed version of the landcover classication map. For each pixel, the most likely class is displayed, based on the highest probability obtained from the 5 landcover classes presented in the archive. The class values are: 0. No data 1. Open water 2. Savanna 3. Non-peat forming forest (Terra firme and seasonally inundated forest) 4. Palm-dominated peat swamp forest 5. Hardwood-dominated peat swamp forest Only class 4 and 5 are associated with the presence of peat. Total peatland area extent is obtained by summing class 4 and 5 areas. The speckle inherent in the classification was reduced through the use of a 7x7 majority filter, whereby the central pixel in a moving 7x7 window was replaced by the most common pixel type found in that window. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Projection and file details: The file is a GeoTIFF in a lat/long WGS-84 projection and a pixel size of 0.00044444 degrees (c. 50 m). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are free to use these data for any purpose provided you cite the original paper. The file was created by Bart Crezee and Edward Mitchard. For questions about these data layers please contact Edward Mitchard at