
Past, Present and Future of the Peatlands of the Central Congo Basin

Credit: Kevin McElvaney/Greenpeace 

About the Project

In 2017 our research team revealed that the world's largest tropical peatland is located in the geographical heart of Africa. Over 10,000 years peat has been building up. Today the central Congo peatlands store 30 billion tonnes of carbon, requiring careful protection.

CongoPeat brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading experts to study this newly discovered yet threatened ecosystem.

Credit: Kevin McElvaney/Greenpeace

@CongoPeat project team has really done significant work in the past 5 years to understand the tropical peatlands of the tropical Congo bassin. @ucl @UniversityLeeds @CassieDummett @UKRI_News @lera_miles @shonajjenkins @LgetaU @DargieGreta @SimonLLewis

📣Kinshasa:Atelier consultatif national sur l’eau💧, le climat et les outils des tourbières @FAO #PNUE et Min Environnement
🔎Objectif: Examiner les moyens d’atténuer les impacts du climat et du développement sur la biodiversité, l’eau et le carbone dans le Paysage du lac Tumba.

📢Applications are now open for the CABES fully-funded #SPIBES MSc. programmes hosted @Universite_FHB (for West Africa); @uniluofficiel (Central Africa) & @hoarec (East Africa).

To apply =>
🗓️Application deadline: March 31, 2024.

@iki_germany @ZEFbonn

Insights from Corneille Ewango & Joseph Kanyama @CongoPeat in a multimedia feature bringing together stories from the emerging generation of African scientists working to illuminate the Congo Basin & guarantee its future by focusing on the needs of communities who depend on it.

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